Below, please find instructions on how to prepare your oral and poster presentations for EuroSun 2024 as well as information on the full paper submission process.

The deadline for authors to register for the conference was 23 June. Authors not registered by this deadline have been informed, that their presentation has been removed from the programme.

Should you be an accepted author but have not registered yet, immediately contact

Instructions for oral presentations

Presentation time and schedule:

  • Regular oral presentations are 12 minutes. Please make sure to strictly keep this time limit. Additionally, 3 minutes of discussion time is foreseen for each presentation.
  • The detailed program showing the time and place of your session will be published on the conference website and authors will be informed about their individual presentation slot via email.


Formatting instructions:

  • Presentations in .ppt format, pptx. format and .pdf format will be accepted. If you have created your presentation in Apple .ppt, please test it on a Windows PC to ensure that it displays correctly.
  • Avoid any external links in your presentation. The presentation computers do not have an internet connection.
  • Non-standard fonts should be embedded.
  • All pictures and graphs must be embedded without links.
  • Experience shows that video films often cause problems. If you plan to use video films, please check them when handing in your presentation.


Presenting on site:

  • Please meet your session chairs inside the conference room at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of your oral session and familiarize yourself with the technical equipment. The detailed program showing the time and place of your session will be published on the conference website.
  • Information on where to upload your presentations in advance of your session will be shared a few weeks in advance of the conference.


Instructions for poster presentations

Poster Layout:

Your poster should be upright/portrait style with DIN A0 format: width: max. 33 inches (84 cm), height: max. 47 inches (119 cm).

Please make sure that letters are sufficiently large to be read from a distance of 1-2 m.


Poster Design:

For the design of the poster, we specifically do not provide rules as many institutes have their own rules of how an author has to design their poster.

For reference, please see these videos here - or here:

These showcase different examples of how authors have designed their posters in the past.

Additionally, please the winners of the EuroSun 2022 Best Poster Award here - these posters were awarded as the top three posters presented during the conference.

A poster typically includes the logo of your institution and the logo of the conference.


Presenting Your Poster

To present your poster, there will be three dedicated poster sessions throughout the conference programme, each of them lasting 1 hour and posters will be on constant display the entire time of the conference outside these sessions too.

The three sessions will be divided up along the conference themes and poster authors will be notified on which conference day their poster sessions will take place. During the poster sessions, all authors are asked to stand at their poster to engage with attendees as they visit the posters. This is an "open" concept, where attendees can walk from poster to poster and discuss with authors in an informal way.

There will be no separate full oral presentation on the poster, this is reserved to authors who got accepted as an oral presentation.


Poster Mounting & Removal:

You are responsible for printing your poster in advance and for putting it up at the conference site. It is not possible to print posters at the conference site directly.

Please mount your poster on Monday afternoon, 26 August. Mounting material will be provided.

How to find the place where your poster should be mounted: In the poster area you will find a poster list for orientation. In addition, a sign on each poster wall will indicate the author’s name, poster title, and poster number. For your poster’s number please refer to the conference program. If you have difficulties finding “your” poster board, please contact one of our staff members and we will be happy to assist you.

Removal of Posters: Please don't remove your poster before the end of the conference. The posters are an important part of the scientific program and should be displayed the whole time. Please only remove your poster on Thursday, 29 August, after the closing session. Posters remaining after the conference will be discarded.


Full paper submission

All authors of accepted oral and poster presentations are expected to submit their full papers for the conference proceedings which will be published with an individual DOI on a publicly accessible and searchable online ISES conference proceedings database: The deadline to submit your full paper is 18 August 2024.

Full paper specifics: To prepare your full paper, please strictly adhere to this full paper template. Each full paper can be a max of 12 pages. Failure to adhere to this template can lead to removal of your paper from the full paper review process.

Copyright agreement: Each full paper needs to be submitted with a corresponding copyright agreement. Download the copyright agreement here. Failure to submit the copyright agreement will lead to dismissal of your full paper from the full paper review process.

Uploading your full paper: Authors will receive a personalized link to upload their full paper and the corresponding copyright agreement via email.

Learn more about full paper publishing options at EuroSun 2024 here.